Posted in About today

Leap and a net will appear

Today WeeGee went on a date with Mr Smiley and WeeGee is pleased to report that a) Mr Smiley is exactly who he appeared to be, b) this is clearly not an elaborate rouse to steal WeeGee’s (non-existent) money and c) WeeGee has not been murdered yet.

I’d love to write more but for now here’s a quick summary…..

  • Number of times WeeGee nearly didn’t get to her date because she was panicking: about a million
  • Number of times WeeGee ‘went a bit shy’ during her date: about a million and a half
  • Number of rubbish things about WeeGee’s date: Zero
  • Number of AWESOME things about WeeGee’s date: Everything else.

Told you I had a bit of a feeling about this….. Leap and a net will appear 🙂

Lots of love from WeeGee xoxoxoxox


15 thoughts on “Leap and a net will appear

  1. Squeeeee!! So happy for you!! I can’t wait to hear more, which is probably completely nosey and rude but I’m a “live vicarously through you” sorta person. In a completely non-weird way though.

    Right? Right??

    …..why do I hear crickets?

How about a little chat?